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Notice of Examinations

Nevada Revised Statutes 390.275

The governing body of each charter school shall provide a written notice regarding examinations to all teachers and educational personnel employed by the governing body who are involved in the administration of the examinations, all pupils who are required to take the examinations, and all parents and legal guardians of such pupils, that includes (1) a description of the adopted test security plan, and (2) action that may be taken against personnel and pupils for violations of the plan or for other irregularities in testing administration or testing security.

State Assessments at Freedom Classical Academy

As a public school funded by the State of Nevada, Freedom Classical Academy is required to participate in all state-mandated assessments. Students attending Freedom Classical Academy are also required to participate in these examinations, as are all students attending public schools. Freedom Classical Academy has adopted test administration and security procedures that all staff and students are required to follow. Additionally, the school adopts an assessment calendar each year. Both of these documents are available for you below. If you have questions regarding state assessments, we encourage you to contact Mrs. Stowell at

Test Security

Test Calendar


Nevada Report Card

As a Nevada public school, Freedom Classical Academy receives a report card from the Nevada Department of Education. A copy of the school's current and previous reports cards is available on the Nevada Report Card website, Please note, due to COVID-19, school report cards were suspended for the 2019-20 and 2020-21 school years.

Notice of Low Performance

Pursuant to Nevada Law, schools obtaining ratings lower than three stars are required to provide notice of such to its stakeholders. Freedom Classical Academy obtained a rating of one-star in our elementary school for the 2024 school year. While our student proficiency is among the highest in our area, we want to provide the best education possible to our students. As such, are working to improve this rating.


Our middle school is rated 4-stars and continues to improve each school year. For more details on the school's ratings, please refer to the Nevada Report Card website linked above.

School Performance Plan

Freedom Classical Academy is required to create an annual performance plan. This plan includes goals for academic performance as well as steps to the school is taking to reach those goals. A copy of this year's improvement plan is included below.

SY25 Elementary School Performance Plan

SY25 Middle School School Performance Plan


Student Handbook

For your convenience, the student handbook is posted in it's entirety on it's own page. To access the handbook, please click here.

School Calendar

For your convenience, the school calendar is posted on it's own page. To access the calendar, please click here.

Board of Directors

Information regarding members of the school's Board of Directors is found here. To contact members of the Board of Directors, please complete the "contact us" form included on the page linked above. The page also includes Board meeting dates and agendas. Minutes of each meeting are available at the front desk of the school or can be emailed upon request. To request information regarding the Board of Directors, its members, or previous meeting materials, please contact Jeremy Christensen at


Plan for Restorative Discipline

Pursuant to NRS 392.4644, Freedom Classical Academy has developed and adopted a Plan for Restorative Discipline. The intent of this plan is to ensure a safe and productive learning environment while also providing proactive interventions to problematic behaviors.A copy of the school's plan is included below.

2025 Discipline Plan

Appeal of Suspension or Expulsion

Students of Freedom Classical Academy that have been issued a suspension or expulsion are entitled to an appeal of said suspension or expulsion upon written request. All appeals must be made within 10 business days of the notice of suspension or expulsion. Appeals of suspension will be heard by the school's Board of Directors. Students and parents have the right to appeal an expulsion at the expulsion hearing which is also conducted by the Board of Directors. Students may be entitled to legal representation at expulsion hearings. If the student intends to utilize legal representation, they must notify the school in writing no later than five days before the expulsion hearing. If the student prevails in the appeal, the disciplinary action will be removed from their student record.

Safe Voice


SafeVoice is a 24-hour tip taking and response system focused on school safety and student well-being that relies on key relationships with the Nevada Department of Public Safety (DPS), local/school law enforcement, designated school teams, and behavioral health response professionals. SafeVoice offers students and parents a comprehensive, reliable and professional way to report tips anonymously 24/7/365. If you have a safety concern regarding a student, you may call the number below to make a report.


1-833-216-SAFE (7233)


Emergency Operations Plan

Pursuant to NRS 388.245, Freedom Classical Academy maintains an Emergency Operations Plan that has been developed in conjunction with local and State agencies and is reviewed annually by our Emergency Response Team. The school's Emergency Operations Plan is not available to the public in order to protect the students and staff of the school, but is submitted annually to the State for inspection.

Emergency Operations Plan Notice of Completion

Emergency Technology Plan

Pursuant to SB 215, Freedom Classical Academy has developed an Emergency Technology Plan that outlines how the school will make technology available to students and teachers in the event of required online learning. A copy of that plan is available below.

Emergency Technology Plan

Tech Expenditures

COVID Mitigation Plan / Safe Return to School

Freedom Classical Academy has developed a COVID Mitigation Plan or Safe Return to School Plan pursuant to the requirements of ARP ESSER funding. This plan is developed in conjunction with parent feedback, CDC recommendations, and the Southern Nevada Health District recommendations. 

2025 COVID 19 Mitigation Plan


English Language Learners

Freedom Classical Academy is proud to serve a robust population of English Language Learners at our school. For information regarding our ELL program including the ELL Bill of Rights, Title III expenditures, and ELL demographics, please click here.

Title IA Notifications

Freedom Classical Academy began receiving Title IA funds in the 2023-24 school year. As a requirement of these funds, specific notices must be posted. Please see any related notices below.

School Classification Notice



Parent-School Compact

Code of Honor


Code of Honor


Parent Engagement


Right to Know Letter

Right to Know 4-Week



McKinney-Vento Homeless Student Resources

Policy Manual



Notice of Non-Discrimination

Freedom Classical Academy does not discriminate in its staffing or enrollment practices on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, age, religion, gender, income level, disability, English proficiency, artistic or athletic ability.

Physical Therapy & Occupational Therapy Reports

Pursuant to NAC 388.297, schools in Nevada are required to post reports on OT and PT services provided at the school.

OT Services

PT Services


EMO Expenditures

As an independent entity, Freedom Classical Academy does not employ an Educational Management Organization (EMO) under the traditional definition of such entities. Freedom Classical Academy does, however, employ CSMC for the provision of accounting and HR resources. We have attached, below, our annual report outlining the expenditures made in relation to this organization.

Annual Report of EMO Expenditures

Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 387.12468

During the 2021 Legislative Session, Senate Bill 439 was passed creating NRS 387.12468 which has a reporting requirement related to personnel and services in the current school year to be compared to prior years using a template created by the Nevada Department of Education. Please see the report below for Freedom Classical Academy.

21-22 Report

23-24 Report

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